
My Haunted Life

My true story by Rachel Nason A  journey into the dark and the light, the good and the bad, the seen and the unseen! Ever since my families harrowing 18 month ordeal with constant paranormal activity, ive been meaning to document, share what remaining images and videos I have and give my reasons on the who, what, why and when. Im glad ive left it up until now as I believe I know enough to explain the reasons behind the unexpected poltergeist haunting ordeal as ever since ive watched 100s of documentaries, podcasts, radio shows and read a vast amount of books, spent an unbelievable amount of time researching various phenomenon such as telekenesis, e.s.p, synchronisity, psychic and mediumship, spirituality, meditation, I.T.C, the conscious and subconsious mind, psychokinesis and much more. Ive researched topics such as relativity, the laws of physics, types of energy, physics, neuroscience, psychology, parapsychology, Nikola Tesla, witchcraft, types of hauntings, demonolgy, Ka